Privacy Policy

This personal data privacy policy applies to the information that the online store www.globalstoremd.com can receive about the User during the use of the website, the software and the products of the online store.
1. Definition of notions
The following terms are used in this Privacy Policy:

Site administration –the staff authorized to manage the site, who act on behalf of the Global Store company, who also carry out and (or) organize the processing of personal data, establishing the purposes, the components of the data that are subject to processing and the necessary actions (operations) carried out with the personal data.

Personal data – any information, or data, that directly or indirectly refers to a specific identified or unidentified natural person (subject of personal data).

Processing of personal data – set of actions (operations), performed by means of automation or without using such means with personal data, including organization, collection, storage, registration, preservation, updating, modification, extraction, use, transmission, deletion and/or blocking

User of the Global Store website – the person who has access to the site, through the Internet network and who uses the site.

Cookies – a small piece of data transmitted by the web server and stored on the users computer, which a web client or browser sends to the web server in HTTP-query when trying to open the corresponding page of the site.

IP adress — unique network address constructed from the IP protocol.

2. General dispositions

The Users use of the site means acceptance of the Privacy Policy and the terms of processing the Users personal data.

In case of disagreement with the terms and conditions of the Privacy Policy, the User must stop using the Global Store company website.

This Privacy Policy applies only to the website www.globalstoremd.com. The administration of the site does not control and is not responsible for the sites of third parties, which the User can access from the links, accessible on the given site.

The website administration does not verify and is not responsible for the authenticity of the personal data provided by the website user.

3. Subject of the privacy policy
The current Privacy Policy establishes the obligations of the Site Administration to not report and ensure the confidentiality regime of personal data that the User provides at the request of the Site Administration to register on the online store website, or when placing an order for the purchase of products.
Personal data, allowed for processing under this Privacy Policy, is provided by the User by completing the registration form on the Website given in the "Registration" section and includes the following data:
  • Name, first name of the User;
  • The Users contact phone number;
  • Electronic mail address (e-mail);
  • Delivery address of the Products;
  • Address of the User.
Disabling cookies may make it impossible to access the website components that require their use.
The site collects statistical data on the IP addresses of their visitors. These data are used to identify and solve technical problems and to control the legality of financial payments made.
Any personal information that was not stipulated above (purchase history, used browsers and operating systems, etc.) is to be stored, except as provided in point 5.2 of the current Privacy Policy.
4. The purpose of collecting users personal data
The site administration may use the Users personal data for:
  • Identification of the User registered on the website for the purpose of placing an order and (or) concluding the Remote Goods Sale-Purchase Agreement.
  • To provide the User with access to the resources and customized solutions of the Site.
  • Facilitating communication with the User, including sending notifications and requirements related to the use of the Site, the provision of services, the processing of requests and requests from the User.
  • To determine the location of the User to ensure its security and prevent fraud.
  • Confirmation of the veracity and completeness of the personal data provided by the User.
  • Create an account to make purchases, if the User has agreed to create an account.
  • Prior notification of the User regarding the status of the Order.
  • Processing and obtaining payments, confirming tax or tax benefits, disputing payment, determining the right to obtain a line of credit by the User.
  • To provide the User with effective support in case of problems related to the use of the Site.
  • Provide the User with product updates, special offers, price information, news, correspondence and other information on behalf of the store or from the stores partners.
  • Implementation of advertising activity
5. Methods and terms of information processing
The processing of the User personal data is carried out without time limit, by any legal method, including within the personal data information systems by using automation means or without using such means.
The User agrees with the fact that the Site Administration has the right to transmit personal data to third parties, in particular, to courier services, postal organizations, telecommunications operators, in order to provide the Users order, which was completed on the Site the online store.
The site administration takes organizational and technical measures, which are necessary to protect the Users personal information from abusive or accidental access, modification, destruction, copying, spreading, blocking, as well as against other illegal actions of third parties;
The site administration together with the User takes all necessary measures to prevent damages or other negative consequences caused by the loss or disclosure of the User personal data.
6. Obligations of parties
The user is obliged:
  • To provide information on personal data, necessary for the use of the Site.
  • To update and complete the information provided regarding the personal data, in case of their modification.
Site administration is required:
  • To use the information obtained only for the purposes provided in point 4 of this Privacy Policy.
  • To ensure the storage of confidential information in secret, not to disclose, without the prior written permission of the User, as well as not to carry out the sale, exchange, publication or disclosure in other possible ways transmitted of the Users personal data, except for point 5.2 from this Privacy Policy.
  • To take precautions to protect the confidentiality of the User personal data.
7. Liability of the parties
The site administration, which has not exercised its obligations, bears responsibility for the losses incurred by the User in connection with the illegal use of personal data, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Moldova.
In case of loss or disclosure of Confidential information, the Site Administration is not responsible, if this confidential information:
  • They became public before their loss or disclosure.
  • They were received from a third party until the time it was obtained by the Site Administration.
  • They were received from a third party until the time it was obtained by the Site Administration.
8. Additional conditions
The site administration has the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy without prior notice or consent from the User.
Noua Politică de Confidențialitate intră în vigoare la data plasării pe Site, dacă nu este prevăzută alta de noua redacție a Politicii de Confidențialitate.
The new Privacy Policy enters into force on the date it is posted on the Site, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Privacy Policy.
The current Privacy Policy is posted on the website www.globalstoremd.com
Global Store SRL is included in the register of personal data operators with no. 0001938-001.